Feet Like Trees
Imagine, a Being with a mind as great as God’s, with feet like trees and a voice like rushing wind, telling you that you are His cherished creation.
A collection of valuable quotes on humor, medicine and spirituality
Imagine, a Being with a mind as great as God’s, with feet like trees and a voice like rushing wind, telling you that you are His cherished creation.
I do not believe a person can take two issues from Scripture, those being abortion and gay marriage, and adhere to them as sins, then neglect much of the rest and call himself a fundamentalist or even a conservative. The person who believes the sum of his morality involves gay marriage and abortion alone, and neglects health care and world trade and the environment and loving his neighbor and feeding the poor is, by definition, a theological liberal, because he takes what he wants from Scripture and ignores the rest.
I always thought the Bible was more of a salad thing, you know, but it isn’t. It’s a chocolate thing
Fear is a manipulative emotion that can trick us into living a boring life
Moral #1: “If you work hard, stay focused, and never give up, you will eventually get what you want in life. Moral #2: Sometimes the things we want most in life are the things that will kill us
I can no more understand the totality of God than the pancake I made for breakfast understands the complexity of me
No, life cannot be understood flat on a page. It has to be lived; a person has to get out of his head, has to fall in love, has to memorize poems, has to jump off bridges into rivers, has to stand in an empty desert and whisper sonnets under his breath… We get one story, you and I, and one story alone. God has established the elements, the setting and the climax and resolution. It would be a crime not to venture out, wouldn’t it?
I never liked jazz music because jazz music doesn’t resolve. But I was outside the Bagdad Theater in Portland
one night when I saw a man playing the saxophone. I stood there for fifteen minutes,
and he never opened his eyes.
After that I liked jazz music.
Sometimes you have to watch somebody love something before you can love it yourself. It is as if
they are showing you the way.
Believing in God is as much like falling in love as it is making a decision. Love is both something that happens to you and something you decide upon
When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are